Artist Biography

TERRY MIMNAUGH �(B. 1955) Residing in Montana, Terry Mimnaugh is known for her stunning oils, watercolors, pastels, and heroic bronzes. Because of her unmatched skill at capturing the true essence of children in their element, she's highly sought after for commissioned work of children and religious icons. Ms. Mimnaugh participates annually in the Charles Russell Auction in Great Falls and she's won multiple awards including the Richard Schmid merit award, the NWR Award, and a Montana Institute of the Arts Award.

"I try to draw something everyday, even if I don't get to paint or sculpt that day. If you can train your eye to draw well, you can do anything, and then it is just a matter of mastering the medium. Good drawing refers to being true to the character and attitude of what you see, not that you 'stay in the lines' and have a photographic edge replicating the subject. I maintain that figure drawing trains the eye faster than any other exercise and that it is the most essential of all artistic skills. So... DRAW."

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Larry Janoff
Morten Solberg
Darrell Bush
Mark Ogle
Ace Powell

Artist Terry Mimnaugh Art Originals
Artist Terry Mimnaugh Art Originals
Artist Terry Mimnaugh Art Originals
Artist Terry Mimnaugh Art Originals
Artist Terry Mimnaugh Art Originals
Artist Terry Mimnaugh Art Originals
Artist Terry Mimnaugh Art Originals
Artist Terry Mimnaugh Art Originals
Artist Terry Mimnaugh Art Originals
Bayside Gallery

Box 363 - 482 Electric Avenue
Bigfork, MT 59911
(406) 837 5335

Terry Mimnaugh
All Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
Artist Terry Mimnaugh Art Originals
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Artist Terry Mimnaugh Art Originals
Ellie Wadding
18 x 24 - $3,800.00

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Artist Terry Mimnaugh Art Originals
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Artist Terry Mimnaugh Art Originals
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Conrad Point Original Oil Painting
6 x 10 - $2,200.00
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Artist Terry Mimnaugh Art Originals
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Artist Terry Mimnaugh Art Originals